I’d Rather be Hot than Cold
I’m sitting Open House in the rain last Sunday and I learned two valuable things. 1) People don’t come out in the rain. Zero visitors until the rain stopped at 2:15, then folks began dropping by, and 2) I’d rather be hot than cold. You see, the house I was sitting was beautifully remodeled including a state-of-the-art digital thermostat which requires a PhD in Thermostatery. I tried on three occasions to turn the heat up and three times I failed. From 1 to 4 – three hours – I sat in a 62 degree house.
Between visitors, I had time to think about being cold and how some people say they like the cold. You can wear layers. You can wear long johns. You can bundle up. When it’s hot they say, there’s only so much you can take off. Have these people not heard about air conditioning?
No, I love the heat. I don’t get pneumonia every winter like I did in Illinois. I don’t have to put on storm windows or switch to snow tires. I can stay in my air-conditioned house, my air-conditioned office, my air-conditioned car or go to an air-conditioned restaurant. The secret here in Arizona is to avoid mad dogs, Englishmen, and the midday sun. But when the sun goes down, the air is sweet and clean. I can’t imagine going back to where they have two seasons – Winter & Roadwork.
So let’s all say a little ‘Thank You’ for the Southwest climate, stay out of the cold and by golly, learn how to set these new thermostats.
– Joseph Callaway