What If It Happened to You?

I’ve spent some time lately, as we all have, thinking about the people in California who lost their homes to fire, and the folks in Carolina who are still without essential services since the horrible hurricane season. I’ve told myself, as you may have, that in living in Arizona, we have no threats of natural disaster.  We have no earthquakes, no hurricanes, no Santa Ana winds. We are safe here. But are we?

The more I’ve thought about this, the more uncomfortable I am with my self-satisfaction. For that matter, a member of our team suffered a fire in her garage, and the smoke damage ruined most of her possessions. Bottom line – none of us are immune to disaster, but we all seem to ignore the possibility of something bad happening.  What if it happened to you.

\So, this week, I want to remind us all to celebrate our fortune of living in one of the safest and most beautiful places in the world, while cautioning us to give a little thought to the possibility of calamity.

Put all you documents in a safe place. Make copies and have two safe places. While you’re at it, copy all your ID’s. Certainly, you can digitize everything, but be prepared to retrieve the data. What if the cloud went down? What if the power went out for a long time? Think about backup systems, and food and water storage. Think about these things now and like the Boy Scouts motto, “Be Prepared”.

Most of these precautions cost little or nothing. And once you’ve given these possibilities the attention they deserve, enjoy every minute of every day. Life here in Arizona is almost an embarrassment of riches. Live it to the fullest.

And, if you’re looking to buy or sell real estate, give me a call at 602-796-5751. We’ll fix you up with a nice bomb shelter in the mountains – just kidding!

    – Joseph