Category Joseph’s Corner

What If It Happened to You?

I’ve spent some time lately, as we all have, thinking about the people in California who lost their homes to fire, and the folks in Carolina who are still without essential services since the horrible hurricane season. I’ve told myself,…

Pick Two

Years ago, I needed something fixed. I can’t even remember what it was, but I know it was important that I have the work done by an expert. What I do remember was the sign on the counter of his…

How’s the Market?

How’s the Market? Dear Client of Those Callaways, Folks ask, “How’s the Market?” Such a wide-open question, I usually ask if they are buying or selling, get a little more information about them – it’s all about them, and then…

This Friday is Acker Night

This Friday is Acker Night Forget the Train and pass on the Zoo Lights. If you are looking for the number one Christmas experience in Arizona, go to Prescott this Friday. Last weekend they threw the switch on over a…